Concern Citizen Forum Telangana State
Head Office: #12-2-709/C/223, Aijaz plaza, Pillar No 55,
Ringroad, Rethibowli, Hyderabad – 28
Representation To Honourable Aung San Suu Kyi
State Counsellor, Government of Myanmar
Respected Madam,
Sub: Stop Genocide of Rohingya Muslims and Reinstate their citizenship
Mynmar is one of ourn respectful neighbours having common socio – religious past and similar political history during the British regime. Mahatma Goutham Buddha is the son of India from Gaya, Bihar and we are proud to say that majority of people in Myanmar follow the teachings of owtham Buddha. Buddhism is considered as the religion of love, kindness and non-violence. It is this image which makes people of other religions to respect Buddhism.
Respected Madam, the whole world and the people of India are very much distrubed when we see the picture of Myanmar where in some people in religious attire and military uniform are seen butchering innocent common Rohingya Muslims without any valid reason. The military junta and a section of Buddhist monks are seen firing gunshots on fleeing people on land or in boats. The children, women and old people are massacred, forcing around 1,25,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to Bangladesh just in two weeks over 400 killed in the past 400 killed in the past 14 days, the houses and villages were torched and burnt.
Respected Madam Aung San Suu Kyi, this genocide and persecution can neither be approved by your religion nor any civilized society. Therefore, it is not acceptable.
Madam Aung San Suu Kyi, our hearts are bleeding to see the torture on helpless people. Therefore, we demand for immediate stopping crimes against the Rohingya.
Madam Aung San Kyi, you being one of the victims of human rights violation and was house-arrested know the pain of the persecution. Rohingya are the citizens of Myanmar and had enjoyed equal rights and contributed in nation building of Myanmar from the year of 1948 to 1962. And even in the year 2008, they were permitted to vote. Therefore, this issue be resolved with justice.
The concern Citizen Forum – Telangana State, in their meeting held on 06-09-2017 unanimously resolvedto pass the representation and send to your good office for consideration and action.
We demand that
1. The cruel genocide of Rohingya must be stopped.
2. NGOs must be allowed to work for the relief & rehabilitation of victims of massacre in Arkan province.
3. Civil rights organizations must be allowed to survey and suggest remedial measures required.
4. Action must be initiated to restore the citizenship of Rohingya without any further delay.