Affordable Hospitals: A Beacon of Compassion and Care

All India President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Syed Sadathullah Hussaini Inaugurated Muslim General Hospital at Toli chowki.

In his speech President JIH said affordable hospitals play a pivotal role in providing healthcare services to those in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and altruism. These institutions operate with a primary focus on serving the undeserved, often in economically disadvantaged communities.

1. Mission and Purpose:
Affordable hospitals are distinguished by their commitment to a mission that prioritizes the well-being of the community over profit. Their purpose is rooted in the belief that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right, irrespective of financial constraints. This mission is reflected in their services, outreach programs, and community engagement initiatives.

2. Accessibility and Affordability:
One of the defining features of affordable hospitals is their dedication to providing affordable and accessible healthcare. Many of these institutions offer subsidized services to those unable to afford medical care. This commitment helps bridge the gap in healthcare disparities and ensures that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can receive essential medical attention.

3. Community Outreach:
Affordable hospitals extend their impact beyond the confines of their facilities through community outreach programs. These initiatives may include health camps, educational workshops, and preventive care campaigns. By actively engaging with the community, these hospitals aim to promote health awareness and empower individuals to take charge of their well-being.

Dr. Khalid Mubbasir uz Zafer State President JIH Telangana and Vice President JIH Telangana Mohammad Azhar Uddin, Vice President JIH Telangana Mohammed Rashad uddin, city president Dr. Mubbasir Ahmed and other dignitaries also present.

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Telangana chapter of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) felicitated meritorious students selected to receive Maulana Abdul Basit Anwar Higher Education Fellowship for 2023-24. JIH State President Prof. MKM Zafar addressed the students in the felicitation program at JIH State Office in Hyderabad. He said the Jamaat engages in numerous public welfare activities for the community and society.
While felicitating the selected students, Prof. Zafar remarked that JIH appreciates youth and their academic, professional and entrepreneurial endeavors.
HRD Director of the Jamaat, Mr. S M Fasiullah said that the Jamaat intends to encourage meritorious students of the community pursuing higher education. “In this academic year, we have selected eight candidates studying media, law, economics and history.”
Each selected student was given a cheque of Rs. 15,000, a memento and a certificate of appreciation.This state-level fellowship is named after Maulana Abdul Basit Anwar, former president of JIH Andhra Pradesh.

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NIA and ED raids against PFI ; “It is a futile attempt to scare Muslims”

Maulana Hamid Muhammad Khan, President – Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Telangana’s strong note.

Maulana Hamid Muhammad Khan President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Telangana, strongly condemned the raids of NIA and ED against PFI in various places of the state and the country and said that the purpose of allegations is to indirectly install fear in Muslims and lower the morale and courage of the youth. The central government is under the control of fascist elements and is trying to eliminate the voice of righteous people and by targeting democratic institutions, human rights activists and journalists. The government is providing undisclosed patronage to elements and organisations that are not only involved in hatred and violence but are openly promoting terrorism. This attitude of the government has become a challenge to the supremacy of the Constitution of India. Continuously targeting the largest minority in the country, insulting their Holy Personalities, targeting the holy book and mosques and raising new objections against the Muslim Personal Law have became a daily routine. Due to which the largest minority of the country has became a victim of insecurity. While the integrity and development of the country is possible only through peace and brotherhood. Maulana Hamid Muhammad Khan demanded the central government to stop the arrests of innocent people for no reason and not to affect the integrity of democratic institutions. In the end, he questioned the performance of NIA and said that without any evidence, it is creating an atmosphere of fear and terror among the people.

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Condemnation of Israeli aggression on Gaza and Palestine by Maulana Hamed Mohammad Khan

For some time now, a large number of innocent Palestinian civilians have been massacred and their lives and property have been destroyed by bombings in Israel’s brutal and cruel operations. This aggression of Israel is regrettable and reprehensible, which should be stopped immediately and a criminal case should be filed against Israel in the International Court of Justice against these atrocities, Maulana Hamed Mohammad Khan expressed his views in a press statement. He called on all peace-loving countries to put pressure on Israel to immediately suspend its aggression. He called on all Islamic Countries to come forward to protect the Holy Qiblah Awwal and help the oppressed Palestinians.

Maulana said that one of the reasons for the current situation is the mutual animosity of the Muslim countries and their covert friendship with Israel and recognition of Israel. Maulana said that the solution to the Palestinian problem lies in the unity of Muslim countries. He advised the Muslim countries to immediately end all relations with Israel. Maulana Hamed Mohammad Khan said that India has been supporting the cause of the Palestinians from day one. He appealed to the Government of India to break all diplomatic ties and trade relations with Israel. He quoted Gandhiji’s statement in which Gandhiji said that “Palestine is the right of the Palestinians,” he said. While the current government is expanding relations with Israel, Israel has always deceived the world with its deception. He also strongly condemned the vicious attempt to mislead the world through one-sided reporting by Media. Maulana Hamed Mohammad Khan said that we have always been in favor of the freedom and sovereignty of the Palestinians and strongly oppose Israeli aggression. And hope that Allah will destroy the wrongdoers as He destroyed the people of Aad and Thamud.

Press Secretary

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غزہ اور فلسطین پر اسرائیلی جارحیت کی پرزور مذمت، انصاف پسند ممالک ظلم کو روکنے، اسرائیل پر دباؤ ڈالیں : امیرحلقہ مولاناحامد محمد خان

پریس نوٹ

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

گذشستہ کچھ عرصہ سے ایک بار پھر اسرائیل کی سفاکانہ و ظالمانہ کاروائیوں میں بڑی تعداد میں معصوم نہتے فلسطینی شہریوں کاقتل عام کیا جارہا ہے اور انکی جانوں اوراملاک کو بمباری کے زریعہ تباہ و تاراج کیا جا رہا ہے۔ اسرائیل کی یہ جارحیت قابل افسوس و قابل ِمذمت ہے،جس پر فوری روک لگنی چاہیئے اوران ظالمانہ کاروائیوں کے خلاف اسرائیل پر بین القوامی عدالت میں فوجداری مقدمہ چلایا جائے۔ان خیالات کا اظہار محترم امیرِحلقہ جماعت اسلامی ہند حلقہ تلنگانہ مولانا حامد محمد خان نے صحافت کو جاری اپنے مذمتی بیان میں کیا۔انہوں نے تمام امن پسند ممالک سے اپیل کی کہ وہ اسرائیل پر دباؤ بنائیں کہ وہ فوری طور پر اپنی جارحانہ کاروائیوں پر روک لگائے۔انہوں نے قبلہء اؤل بیت المقدس کے تحفظ اور مظلوم فلسطینیوں کی مدد کے لئے مسلم ممالک کو آگے آنے کی اپیل کی۔مولانا نے کہا کہ موجودہ صورتحال کی ایک وجہہ مسلم ممالک کا آپسی انتشار اوران کی اسرائیل کے ساتھ درپردہ دوستی اور اسرائیل کو تسلیم کر نا بھی ہے۔ مولانا نے کہا کہ مسئلہ فلسطین کا حل،مسلم ممالک کے اتحاد میں مضمر ہے۔انہوں نے مسلم ممالک کو فوری طورپر اسرائیل کے ساتھ تمام تعلقات ختم کرنے کا مشورہ دیا۔امیر حلقہ نے حکومت ہند سے بھی اپیل کی کہ وہ اسرائیل کے ساتھ تمام سفارتی وتجارتی تعلقات ختم کرتے ہوئے دباؤ بنائے کہ وہ اپنی ان ظالمانہ حرکتوں سے باز آئے۔مولانا حامدمحمد خان نے کہا کہ ہندوستان روز اول سے ہی فلسطینیوں کے کاز کی تائید کرتا آرہاہے۔انہوں نے گاندھی جی کے اس قول کا حوالہ دیا جسمیں گاندھی جی نے کہا تھا کہ ”فلسطین،فلسطینیوں کا حق ہے“۔جبکہ موجودہ حکومت اسرائیل سے تعلقات بڑھا رہی ہے،حالانکہ اسرائیل نے اپنے مکر و فریب سے ہمیشہ سے دنیا کو دھوکہ دیا ہے۔امیرحلقہ نے میڈیا کی جانب سے بھی مظلوم فلسطینیوں کی مزاحمت کی ایکطرفہ رپورٹنگ کے زریعہ دنیا کو گمراہ کرنے کی مذموم کوشش کی بھی سخت مذمت کی۔امیرحلقہ مولانا حامد محمد خان نے کہا کہ ہم ہمیشہ سے فلسطینیوں کی آزادی اور خود مختاری کہ حق میں رہے ہیں اور اسرائیل کے غاصبانہ تسلط کی پرزور مخالفت کرتے ہیں اور اللہ سے امید کرتے ہیں کہ وہ ان ظالموں کو اسی طرح نیست و نابود کرئیگا جسطرح عاد وثمود کی قوموں کو کیا تھا۔

پریس سکریٹری

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