Maulana Hamid Mohammad Khan Sahab Statement regarding Dharani Portal Survey

The Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) Telangana has formed a study committee to review the survey from various angles in view of the public’s suspicions and concerns over the details of Dharani portal. The study committee, after consultations with legal experts, bureaucrats and practitioners on the orders issued by the Telangana government under the Revenue Act 2020, concluded that there are no concerns with the questions being asked in the survey. Therefore, Ameer-e-Halqa JIH Telangana, Maulana Hamid Mohammad Khan, while issuing his statement, said that this survey is related to only properties and their owners to provide information. The intention of the government seems to be to increase the revenue of the state exchequer in general, in this context the demand of the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Telangana constituency will be that the government should not impose excessive tax burden on the poor and middle class.

Press Secretary

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معین آباد عصمت ریزی و قتل واقعہ کی متاثرہ کے اہل خانہ سے جماعت اسلامی ہند تلنگانہ کے وفد کی ملاقات

خاطی کو کیفرکردار تک پہنچانے اور متوفیہ کے ساتھ جلد انصاف کا مطا لبہ : امیر حلقہ مولانا حامد محمد خان

Press Note

جماعت اسلامی ہند تلنگانہ کے ایک وفد نے امیر حلقہ تلنگانہ مولانا حامد محمد خان کی قیادت میں معین آباد میں کل پیش آئے عصمت ریزی و قتل واقعہ کی متاثرہ کے افراد خاندان سے انکے گھر پہنچ کر ملاقات کرتے ہوئے تعزیت کی پرسہ دیا اور مالی امداد بھی کی۔اسکے علاوہ متعلقہ پولیس اسٹیشن پہنچ کر خاطیوں کے خلاف سخت سے سخت کاروائی کی مانگ کی۔واضح رہے کہ اس واقعہ کو ابتد اء میں خودکشی بتانے کی کوشش کی جارہی تھی لیکن مقامی عوام اور میڈیا نے واقعہ کی حقیقت کو آشکار کیا۔دراصل مدھو یادو نامی،درندہ صفت شخص کچھ عرصہ سے غریب مسلم لڑکیوں کی معاشی مجبوریوں کا فائدہ اٹھا کر انکا استحصال کر رہا تھااور پھر اس نے مبینہ طور پر ایک معصوم لڑکی کو اپنی حوس کا نشانہ بنانے کے بعد قتل کرتے ہوئے اس واقعہ کو خودکشی ظاہر کرنے کی کوشش کی۔امیر حلقہ مولانا حامد محمد خان نے حکومت،پولیس اور انتظامیہ سے اپیل کی کے نربھئے ہو کر نربھیاء ایکٹ کا خاطی کے خلاف استعمال کیا جائے اور اس گھناؤنے جرم کے مرتکب کے خلاف سخت سے سخت کاروائی کی جائے۔تاکہ اس غریب مسلم خاندان کے ساتھ انصاف ہواور اسطرح کے واقعات کا مسقبل میں تدارک ہوسکے۔امیر حلقہ نے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا کہ متاثرہ خاندان جو کہ انتہائی کسمپرسی کی زندگی بسر کر رہا ہے انہیں فوری ایکس گریشیاء دیاجائے اور ڈبل بیڈ روم مکان بھی متوفیہ کی بہن کو دیا جائے جو اس وقت سخت صدمہ سے دوچار ہے۔متوفیہ کے افراد خاندان سے ایک فرد کو نوکری بھی فراہم کی جائے۔ساتھ ہی فاسٹ ٹریک عدالت میں مقدمہ چلاتے ہوئے مجرم کو سزا دی جائے اور اس واقعہ میں ملوث دیگر مجرمین کو بھی سامنے لایا جائے۔جماعت اسلامی کے وفد میں جناب محمد اظہر الدین،سکریٹری رابطہ عامہ،جناب ایم این بیگ زاہد،سکریٹری اسلامی معاشرہ،ڈاکٹر شیخ محمد عثمان سکریٹری ملی امور،جناب عبدالہادی پٹیل ناظم ضلع وقارآباد،جناب قدرت اللہ و دیگر موجود تھے۔

پریس سکریٹری

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جماعت اسلامی ہند حلقہ تلنگانہ کے نئے شعبہ جات کے سکریٹریز کا تقرر

جناب محمد نصیر الدین جنرل سکریٹری جماعت اسلامی ہند حلقہ تلنگانہ کی اطلاع کے بموجب محترم امیر جماعت اسلامی ہند نے میقات رواں 2019-23 میں نئے شعبہ جات کی بقیہ مدت کیلئے جناب محمد عبدالرقیب حامد لطیفی کا بحیثیت سکریٹری شعبہ فکر اسلامی کا فروغ ‘ ڈاکٹر شیخ عثمان کا بحیثیت سکریٹری شعبہ ملی اُمور اور جناب محمد عبدالمجید صاحب کا بحیثیت سکریٹری شعبہ عالمی اُمور تقرر کیا ہے۔ جبکہ مجلس شوریٰ حلقہ تلنگانہ کی خالی شدہ ایک نشست کے لئے کثرت آراء سے جنا ب عبدالمجید شعیب صاحب کا بقیہ میقات کیلئے بحیثیت رکن شوری انتخاب عمل میں آیا۔
امیر حلقہ جماعت اسلامی ہند حلقہ تلنگانہ مولانا حامد محمد خان صاحب نے دعاء فرمائی کہ اللہ تعالیٰ اِن نو تقرر شدہ سکریٹریز و نو منتخب رکن مجلس شوریٰ کو ان اہم ذمہ داریوں کو ادا کرنے کی ہر پہلو سے ضروری استعداد و صلاحت عطافرمائے۔ اس موقع پر محترم امیرحلقہ نے تمام وابستگان جماعت سے بھی خواہش کی کہ وہ ان ذمہ داران کا اقامت دین کے کاموں میں بھرپور تعاون فرمائیں۔

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Demand for reconstruction of martyred mosques in the premises of the Secretariat

Representation of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Telangana constituency for early decision in view of state cabinet meeting, statement of Hamid Mohammad Khan Amir of JIH Telangana. – اردو میں پڑھیں

Hyderabad 4 / August. The martyrdom of two mosques on the premises of the Secretariat was a serious mistake of the state government which needs to be rectified and compensated. In view of the meeting of the State Cabinet to be held on 5th August, Mr. Hamid Mohammad Khan, Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Telangana, called on the Ministers of State, Mr. Harish Rao, Mr. K. Tarak Rama Rao and State Home Minister Muhammad Mahmood Ali by telephone, he apprised them of the grief and anger among the Muslims after the martyrdom of the two mosques in the Secretariat premises and clarified its serious consequences. He demanded that the issue be considered at tomorrow’s cabinet meeting and that the mistake be rectified immediately. Amir-e-Halqa demanded from these ministers that the places where mosques were located in the premises of the old secretariat should be identified and again the government should either build these mosques on these places or hand over these lands to the State Waqf Board and the mosques should be constructed under the supervision of Waqf Board .

The Amir-e-Halqa also questioned the government and demanded that after the martyrdom of the mosques, it was not known about the various assets in the mosques.  What happened to scriptures and other religious books? The government’s conduct in this matter is extremely irresponsible and hurts the feelings of Muslims. Amir-e-Halqa further said that the attitude of the State Waqf Board in this matter was also very irresponsible, while the Waqf Board is responsible for the protection of all mosques, cemeteries and other places in the state, but its officials in this regard were very irresponsible. They need to determine the location of the lands of these mosques, take them into their custody and arrange for the construction of mosques on them again. After discussions and representation with the state ministers, the ministers assured that the issue would be discussed at the state cabinet meeting and efforts would be made to change the map as much as possible. Hamid Mohammad Khan asked the state government that the sooner this issue is resolved, the better so that the uneasiness and grief among the Muslims is removed and they get justice.

Press Secretary

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The New Education Policy will exacerbate social disparity: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind

31 July 2020


The New Education Policy will exacerbate social disparity: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind

New Delhi: The Markazi Talimi Board (Central Education Board) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has reacted to the New Education Policy and appreciated some of its features while criticizing others. In a statement to the media, the Chairman of the Jamaat’s Markazi Talimi Board, Mr. Nusrat Ali commented on its features while enumerating some of its aspects, namely:

1. The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was rolled out by the government without presenting it in Parliament for discussion. Prior to this all the education policies passed by the then governments were elaborately discussed in Parliament. This shows that the government does not want to adopt democratic practices. Jamaat e Islami Hind, urges to the government to debate it in Parliament.

2. The vision of the policy is not explicit and lacks clarity. It looks more materialistic rather than focused on social change. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is of the opinion that our country requires an education policy, which targets social change by infusing social justice, democratic values, equality and better understanding of faiths.

3. The policy has used the term of holistic and integrated approach of education but it could not explain what should be the definition of holistic approach in the Indian context. Jamaat e Islami Hind, strongly feels that progress, happiness and peace in society can be achieved by adopting a holistic approach to education. It can be achieved by designing primary school and secondary school syllabi and curriculum integrated with values. These values should be drawn from universal values common in all the faiths and are present in our Constitution.

4. The system of graded institutions of higher learning, the permission to high rated universities and permission for private universities will commodify our education system and it will be accessible and affordable only to the rich students. This will lead to greater social disparities and negatively affect social justice – the essence of our Constitution.

5. Making primary education in mother tongue is a good policy but its implementation requires tough measures.

6. Early childhood education requires training of the child’s mentors and the child’s mothers too, otherwise it will become a middle class phenomenon and provide a huge market for their exploitation and the commercialization of educational institutions.

7. Skill development programme is a long awaited idea but it will be poorly implemented if given to the private institutions.

8. The policy has envisaged an increase in the general enrolment ratio from 26 percent to 50 percent. This is an ambitious goal. To achieve this public spending should be increased. The government should plan to spend around 8 percent of its GDP for education.

9. The policy says that the “e-content” for eight languages will be developed but it does not include Urdu. If the policy aims at improving the overall condition of deprived communities, it should develop “e-content” in Urdu too.

10. The inclusion of free and compulsory education from pre-primary to 18 years is a welcome step.

11. Education being a state subject, the merger of various education bodies into one central unit will make it highly centralized and this will be a blow to our federal polity.

Jamaat e Islami Hind demands that the government should take into consideration the critical exposition of the policy made by experts. It should rectify the various shortcomings and weaknesses in the NEP 2020 and get it passed in Parliament.

Issued by
Media Department
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind

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