Hyderabad : To have a social connectivity and strong bonding, it’s a must for every individual to learn his regional language. Telugu language is as sweet as honey, it’s a lively language spoken by nearly 84 million people over the globe. Speakers expressed their views on the occasion of concluding ceremony of first set of three batches of 45 day online Foundation Course in Telugu Spoken Skills. The programme was presided over by Prof. Mohd Khalid Mubashir uz Zafar, Head department of Translation, MANUU and virtually addressed by Prof.Yendluri Sudhakar, Telugu Department, Hyderabad Central University, and Sri Pasam Yadagiri, Senior Journalist, as chief guests of the programme. Professor Yenduluri Sudhakar pointed out that, Urdu and Telugu are just like our two eyes and they are incomplete without the other. Since the Mughal Era, both languages had equal prominence in the state and since 13th century both are used vividly in many parts and regions of our country, he added. He commented that Telugu language is as sweet as honey and also quoted the sweetness in the poetry of Ghalib and Maqdoom. He also spoke about the historical background and importance of Telugu language and literature and congratulated the HRD Team of JIH Telangana for its initiative and the Students for learning the language. Pasham Yadagiri,senior Journalist of Telangana, said that Telugu consists many Urdu words. He mentioned Telugu as a lively language and compared it’s beauty to a flowing river. The Origin of Telugu language is from the ‘Gondi ‘, he added. He also threw some light on the literary aspects of Telugu language and the ease of learning any language and in particular – Telugu. Prof.Khalid Mubashir uz Zafar ,presided over the virtual meeting and said that Telugu is the sweetest languages of all ,in the world. He stated that nearly 84 million people speak Telugu and to have a social connectivity, it’s a must for every individual to learn the regional language. Telugu is the 4th most spoken language in India according to the census 2011 and in today’s environment in a state where most of its people speak Telugu; it is inevitable for one to learn it. He also quoted that, Islam does not encourage self Isolation, Prof. Khalid added. According to him the HRD,JIH, TS has not only completed this basic 45 day Telugu Spoken course but also has started writing skills course as well and planning to start a Forum to develop language and literary skills in collaboration with, Telugu Islamic Publications. Initially, the program started at 7 P.M with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the introductory message from the course co-ordinator, Mr. Abdul Wahed, an author, writer and chief Editor at Telugu Islamic Publications .He furnished the details the course and efforts made by the HRD JIH TS in starting these spoken classes. He said that nearly 120 learners are being trained through this program; many of them have learnt the basics of the language successfully and are now able to speak Telugu fluently. The program was concluded by the vote of thanks from Mr. Abdul Ghani, the central coordinator of language and literature training group of HRD JIH TS.